Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4/5/2010 and so begins the 3rd month

Ok finally im updating my blog, sorry to anyone who has checked it recently to find nothing, but now there is something to read about. So into my third month on the continent of Africa and thinking back to when i was on the plane i guess i can safely say that my experience has been quite different to what i thought so far. Cape Town seems to be a bright spot in Africa in terms of quality of life, what i mean is that one could feel like they were in a 1st world country if they wanted to, i.e only go to certain places which are nice. There would of course be some moments where you would need to shut your eyes or turn your head such as at almost every traffic light (or robot as they say) when someone will come to your window begging for money. Or when you are travelling along one of the major high ways and you pass a informal settlement of shacks pressed against the road. I did think that i would see more of the rural side of Africa like we see on the Tv where there would be mass hunger and such but there are still issues here which are just as pressing such as gangsterism, crime, drugs and of course there is still the need for food and shelter which many struggle with. What i have been learning though is that to change all this will take effort and time but most importantly relationships. Relationships give people encouragement and a reason to try to change things, so i guess god has been really saying that what you do physically isn't always the most important rather it is often the work on the inside of others and myself of course which will last when im gone and as life goes on. Ok enough of the deep stuff had to get it out there, pratically over the last month or so i've been getting up to a little more mischief. I have officially learnt to drive manual, was a baptism of fire and did embarrasingly stall a couple of time at massive intersections and hill but im moving smoothly now. Did learn that i was starting in 3rd all the time the other day which did help a lot but my 1st gear is busted now so emily and i start in 2nd now (thats the cars name btw). On mondays i've been going into Drakenstein prison with a guy called Adam from Ambassadors in Sport who i am going to be doing an internship for the next 6 months. He is the coach of the football academy team, so he does some life skills with them, encourages them and coaches them as well (and i try to help him). Tuesdays is a little more relaxed, i did go visit the Amy Biehl foundation who do after school programs and other stuff in the townships and do awesome work and today im going to the U-turn soup kitchen which is a part of their homeless ministry. Wednesdays i've been going to Network teaching basic computer skills (i know some ppl are like what chef knows nothing but trust me our general knowledge of computers is a lot more than we think compared to people who literally done know how to use one) Oh Network basically helps people get back into work predominantly foreign migrants. Thursday has been chilled, am going to meet with Pastor Severo this week to chat about the sports ministry we are hoping to start at his church as that is where ambassadors in sport and more importantly God has placed me to help at. the church is at the edge of i think a predominantly coloured township so there is a big need for outreach into that community. Friday have been heading to the Cape United football academy doing some more stuff with ambassadors there, it is a pro U 19 academy so hopefully will see some of those guys playing in the future.
Other than that, have been playing for my football team which is a good U 19 team which has been fun and doing some other stuff like going up table mountain recently with Murray (my friend from Australia) and have also been to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held for 17 yrs i think and of course marvelling at the beauty of this place.
If you have made it this far well done, should be some pics up on facebook shortly i hope. Can't wait for the World cup to start, wish you guys could be here as well but will have to enjoy all the more for your sake.
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. enjoy it all james.. we need you to :)
    love the first bit, relationships are gold.

    oh, you can teach me manual when you get back? yep. done.
    you're missed!

